Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's this new technique.

So,I'm trying out this posting frm ur phone thing.I'm guessing I can't really put any pictures w/the post,seeing tht my phone has no internet.I guess wht I want 2 talk about rite now is how alot of ppl dress the same.Like,baby doll shirts.Ya know,mainstream stuff.But there's a group of ppl,tht I absolutely love the style of.I always love 2 c wht they have on.They dress indie/hippie-esque,and have an eclectic-ness 2 their clothes.1 girl,KT,likes 2 wear tights.I love tights w/an outfit.But she wears maroon and grey tights,which,in my opinion,may not always b easy 2 pull off.1 piece I used 2 give no notice 2,is a piece worn by this girl named Kelly.It's a green cardigan,tht has shells sewn all over it.Not actual shells,it's the pattern of the sewing tht lookslikeshells.It's much more nicer2look @thanTheUsualKnit cardigan.ICan'tMake ThisAnyLonger,bcuz theFieldOnMyPhone Won'tLetMe.SorryFor TheHorrible Writing.

So, I'm definitely not making a habit of phone posts. Maybe I'll just do it if I'm out and about and snap a pic of something interesting. I think I'm gonna go on a little bit of a sewing craze. Hemming, altering, and HOPEFULLY.....creating. Like a skirt. I still really want to do that. I have the tutorial, just need the supplies.

Oh, and by the way
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Zoe Kravitz makes me happy:)

1 comment:

Francheska L said...

me toooo!
she´s too beautiful!
