Monday, April 27, 2009


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Sorry 'bout the face, had to do a quick pic because my camera's basically dead. And there are NO more batteries in the house. Buttt, this flower represents the reincarnation of my chorus career. I got it today in second period. It means that I've been accepted into the Falconaire for the 2009-2010 school year. I tried out 2 Thursdays ago. It's gonna be an exciting year next year:)

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Cardigan-F21 Shirt-F21 Jeans-F21
I usually don't wear this cardigan, because the fit seems weird to me. But I'm trying to wear everything in my closet, so I decided to give this one it's turn today. It's nothing too special, I'm need more tights, basic shirts, skirts, and shoes before I can start making school appropriate outfits.

1 comment:

Catherine said...


And I really do like your outfit - it's simple but lovely! I've always wanted a cardigan like that.

Have a nice day! :)
